
I'm a professional web developer and programmer, working on projects since 2012 and it has been awesome. So good infact that I've become addicted to my work and I really do live and breathe website designing. I love nothing more than challenging my skills as both designer and developer, it is both my hobby and my profession. I believe this makes me an exciting guy to work with as I am constantly pushing my skills and striving for perfection. When I'm not designing, developing or generally making the web a prettier place, you'll find me sharing what I've learnt by regularly updating my blog with web design ideas, code snippets, freebies and some other stuff too. I am in constant self development and always on the look out for my next amazing project.

What I Do

Full Stack Web Development

Be it simple resumes or full fledged corporate websites or realtime systems, I have experience working on `em all. Worked with Python, PHP, MEAN stack, MERN stack, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. I have experience with Material Design, Bootstrap, and Ionic frameworks as well.

Cloud Architect

I can implement cloud architectures from small scale to large scale projects, with high availability, scalability and security. I have worked with AWS, GCP, Azure and Alibaba Cloud platforms.


Setup multiple CI/CD pipelines with Github and BitBucket projects. Can implementing various development, testing, automation tools, and IT infrastructure

Mobile Applications

I have experience building Android and iOS application using hybrid development frameworks such as React and Ionic. I can also build native Android applications from scratch.

Desktop Applications

I have developed multiple cross platform desktop applications using Electron framework.


Fun Facts

Happy Clients

10+ Want to collaborate? 😉

Working Hours

5000+ Yeah, I'm damn hard working 🤖

Awards Won

15+ I'm awesome ain't I? 😎

Coffee Consumed

0 I don't drink coffee 😛